4 de fevereiro de 2010

"well, what if she's too fuckin' busy?"

quantas chávenas de café nos separam do conformismo?

Come on, throw in a buck.

I don't tip.

- You don't tip?
- I don't believe in it.

You don't believe in tipping?

Do you know what these chicks make?
They make shit.

If she don't make enough money,
she can quit.

I don't even know a fuckin' Jew
who'd have the balls to say that.

Let me get this straight.
You don't ever tip, huh?

I don't tip because
society says I have to.

If they really put forth the effort,
I'll give 'em somethin' extra.

But this tipping automatically,
it's for the birds.

As far as I'm concerned,
they're just doin' their job.

- This girl was nice.
- She was okay.

- She wasn't anything special.
- What's special?

Take you in the back
and suck your dick?

I'd go over for that.

I ordered coffee, all right?
She's only filled my cup three times.

I want it filled six times.

Six times? Well, what if
she's too fuckin' busy?

The words "too fuckin' busy"
shouldn't be in a waitress's vocabulary.

Excuse me, Mr. Pink,
but the last fuckin' thing you need's...

another cup of coffee.

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