27 de outubro de 2010

No frills.

Nem nunca toquei um instrumento num supermercado, nem nunca peguei nas coisas que estão nas prateleiras ao nível dos olhos. Por isso é que faria o mesmo que a maioria dos presentes: não lhes ligaria nenhuma.

22 de outubro de 2010

we lack the motion

When the day is over (Hey) the doors are locked on us
'Cause money buys the access
And we can't pay the cost
How can we expect anyone to listen
If we're using the same old voice?
We need new noise
New art for the real people

twin suns

Jeremy Messersmith - Tatooine from Eric Power on Vimeo.

"sarracen, sarracen!"

O ponto a que isto chegou. Agora, e depois de semanas a levar com o risco das (ainda mais) austeras possíveis medidas do FMI, o problema é afinal a perda de independência.
Eu ainda culpo o Afonso Henriques. Sim, esse sacana que se hoje fosse vivo seria violentamente acusado pela sociedade por abuso e maus tratos a idosos.

Enfim, se o nível da discussão é mesmo este, então que venham os sarracenos. Expatriado já eu me sinto. E é pelo engano. Muitos sacrifícios seria e serei capaz de fazer. Nunca para esta canalha.

11 de outubro de 2010

shut your mouth

I get bored as I get older
Can you help me figure this out?

Come on, dream on:

"I lived on a table - I don't know where to go.
I know my friends would. . .
I know where my friends are now.
I lived on a farm, yeah. I never lived on a farm.
Where did my friends go? Where did my friends go?"

What do you do when you're sleeping?
Where did you go when you said:
"I don't need nobody on my bond"
Where do your friends go?
Where do they see you?
What did you want to be?

Ah shut the hell

Shut your mouth

"fizeste cegos de quem olhos tinha..."

Vinick: Some African tax rates are the highest in the world. In Tanzania, the 30% rate kicks in at $475 of income plus this 30% value added that they put onto everything. Those high tax rates have made it impossible build capital in those countries. So, as a result, nothing gets built; not roads, not factories, not anything. Poor African countries have the lowest wage earners in the world, but a company like Nike, for instance, can't put a factory in there because of those oppressive tax rates. Taxes have killed any possibility of economic development. They've killed any hope of those countries helping themselves. And the result is they become completely dependant on charities, on loans. You know... here's the worst part: you know why those tax rates are so high? Because of us. Because they have to prove to us that they can raise enough money to pay back their loans. But taxes can't raise any money if they kill the economy. So, it turns out that the tragic, unattended consequence of our good intentions toward Africa - our kindness is that we have forced those countries to lock themselves into an economic depression. If we don't urge those countries to lower their tax rates, they will never grow their economies. People will live lifetimes of unemployment. Disease will be rampant. Poverty will be permanent. Children will be hungry. And our charity will never be enough. Never.

Vinick vs Santos debate
season 7 "THE DEBATE"

original da semana

6 de outubro de 2010

travelling light

Foto do Dia%

"O presidente da Comissão Europeia lembrou que o cumprimento dos objectivos [do plano de austeridade] é fundamental para Portugal recuperar a confiança dos mercados internacionais."

(link para qualquer jornal, devem ter feito todos cop'&paste da Reuters)

3 de outubro de 2010

own eyes

"Oh some evil spirit
Oh some evil this way comes
They told me how they fear it
Now they're placing it on their tongues
Oh to see it with my own eyes
No food or water for the better part of ten months
Quietly he sat between the folds of a tree trunk
Oh to see it with my own eyes
All the men of faith and men of science had their questions
Could it ever be on earth as it is in heaven?"